Your organization is made up of thousands, or maybe even millions of moving parts, your brand, physical assets, human assets, intellectual property, services, products, ways of doing business, customers, vendor partners, development partners, you get the idea.
These assets are your organization’s Intellectual Architecture. All of which can be leveraged in a variety of way to move markets, change directions, develop new products, tweak sales channels and, if necessary, change direction.
But when was the last time your organization took an inventory of your Intellectual Architecture? Do you have at your fingertips all the levers and buttons you can adjust to steer the direction of a project, product or even the whole organization? Chances are you haven’t.
So How Do You Get Started Understanding What You Have?
IDEAS4 will work with you to:
- Identify all of the potential areas where the elements of your Intellectual Architecture are located.
- Do a thorough inventory by surveying management, staff, HR, lawyers, vendors, customers.
- Next, if appropriate, B2C or B2B customer research is engaged to understand the environment and footprint in which you currently operate.
- Develop a comprehensive report on the resources, assets, IP, unique personnel and more
- We will usually find gems hidden quietly throughout the organization that will provide further leverage points from which to operate.
What Do You Do With the Information?
By providing an inventory of assets you will have a wide number of paths and channels from which to move departments, divisions, regions or even the entire organization in a particular direction. You’ll know exactly what assets to deploy, manipulate or move to achieve the goals you seek; whether that is a new market, new customer segment, new brand messaging and more.